Our dream is to build a community that can grow with each family and their needs.
To support our members each step of the way through their homeschool journey.
To share thoughts, ideas, experiences, struggles, and triumphs.
To walk together on this collective homeschooling path.

Hi! My name is Sara. I am a wife and mother. I have three children whom we have homeschooled since 2014.
It was always my intention to educate my children at home and we are each blessed to have the opportunity to do just that.
Our family moved to North County San Diego in the Fall of 2020. Shortly after that time I connected with another homeschool mother who invited me into her home for a gathering with local homeschool mothers. She introduced me to an amazing group of local homeschooling families and from that day forward not only have my children had the opportunity of creating friendships, but I too have found myself building many personal connections.
This journey has truly been amazing in so many ways. I realized while sharing with others about homeschooling that this was bigger than just myself or my family. I knew more people needed what our group had to offer which is access to a supportive community. This is exactly what you will find here with Homeschool Collective.
As a community we have seen the needs changing around us and so many of us wanted to provide more for not only our group, but for any family considering this path or are already on it. Please have a look around and know that each person you find here supporting the Collective has done so from their heart. Our community has grown because of the time and energy each of us have poured into it. It is our hope that this community and page will aid in the gaps that we have each come across. You will see many changes and additions in the coming year so please stick around. We can not wait to share it all with you.
Thank you for being here and I truly hope this journey and time in your life is blessed beyond all measuring!
Sara Shields